Year 10 Drama class - Term #1

Year 10 Drama class - Term #1
Ritual performances

Tuesday, 5 March 2013

Drama Notices...

2013 has started with a hiss and a bang in the Drama Dept! 

We have loads of boys from Year 7 to 13 involved with the Fringe Festival performance of "Bonnie Prince Charlie - the story of the '45 ". This is an exciting and innovative project with Dunedin and Hamilton casts combining for the performance.

If parents and students wish to buy tickets - please follow the link: 

Here is some more information on the show: 

If you wanted to audition and were to late... don't worry... there will be more opportunities for drama things during the year! :) 

A lot of students have been asking about when Theatresports is getting up and running.. after it's huge success last year. It won't be running this term, because I am so busy with the Fringe Festival. Theatresports will begin next term with sessions during Tuesday lunchtime for Junior and Senior students. We will also be continuing with the hugely successful "Improv Jam" at Johnnies, OBHS, and King's every fortnight - where you will get to team up with students from schools around Dunedin and learn new improv games and techniques. Keep an ear out for the notices for when we begin!

John McGlashan College is in charge of the musical this year...and we should be auditioning by the end of term. So again, keep an ear out for notices.

That's all for now :)
Ms Fridd
T.I.C Drama Dept.