Year 10 Drama class - Term #1

Year 10 Drama class - Term #1
Ritual performances

Monday, 14 November 2011

Year 10 Arts Week 2011 (Term 4, Week 4)

All Year 10 students are fortunate enough this week to be participating in an Arts week.  Students have full immersion in a different arts related subject each day over four days and today I had 10RS with me at Otago University's Allen Hall for the Drama programme.

Martyn Roberts, the Allen Hall Theatre Manager and Designer, put together a Lighting and technology programme to give students an insight into the world of theatre technology. Today 10RS examined lighting design (learning how to rig lights & use a smoke machine), health & safety issues in relation to theatre technology, and sound design - where the students spent time in a University Mac Lab learning how to create a atmospheric theatre soundtracks using "GarageBand". 

In the afternoon, students honed the skills they had used in the morning sessions, to work in groups to devise small scenes using a range of props and lights. The four groups came up with some very creative scenes and it was great to see them being imaginative and thinking "outside the box". A rewarding day was had by all.

Below are some photos from the afternoon session, when the students were devising scenes and rigging lights.