Year 10 Drama class - Term #1

Year 10 Drama class - Term #1
Ritual performances

Monday, 14 November 2011

Year 10 Arts Week 2011 (Term 4, Week 4)

All Year 10 students are fortunate enough this week to be participating in an Arts week.  Students have full immersion in a different arts related subject each day over four days and today I had 10RS with me at Otago University's Allen Hall for the Drama programme.

Martyn Roberts, the Allen Hall Theatre Manager and Designer, put together a Lighting and technology programme to give students an insight into the world of theatre technology. Today 10RS examined lighting design (learning how to rig lights & use a smoke machine), health & safety issues in relation to theatre technology, and sound design - where the students spent time in a University Mac Lab learning how to create a atmospheric theatre soundtracks using "GarageBand". 

In the afternoon, students honed the skills they had used in the morning sessions, to work in groups to devise small scenes using a range of props and lights. The four groups came up with some very creative scenes and it was great to see them being imaginative and thinking "outside the box". A rewarding day was had by all.

Below are some photos from the afternoon session, when the students were devising scenes and rigging lights.

Wednesday, 21 September 2011

Year 8 Drama - Greek Theatre model making

Today the Year 8 Drama class started making models of a Greek Theatre - here is a wee look at what some of the groups got up to....

Monday, 5 September 2011

What's going on in Junior Drama?

There is loads going on in the Junior Drama classes at the moment....

  • Year 7 classes are in full on rehearsal mode for their performances of their Hero pieces for this Thursday. The boys have put a lot of time and effort into devising their pieces and am really looking forward to it all coming together with props and costumes!
  • Year 8 are working towards their group Lip Sync performances - using the Bee Gees song "Staying Alive". Should be entertaining! Then they are moving on to their Greek Theatre unit...
  • Year 9 are working hard learning lines for their scripted Duologue - using a scene from the musical 'West Side Story'. I have been really impressed by some groups - who have already learned their lines and are working hard on their blocking of movements on stage.
  • Year 10 are in the middle of their ritual unit - working towards a group ritual performance... lots of research and devising to be done in the next couple of weeks.

Phew! Great work everyone, keep it up! 

Monday, 4 July 2011

Year 8 Drama - Greek Theatre & mask making

The end of the Year 8 Greek Theatre unit saw these students making exciting and creative masks for their character. Here is a sneak-peak of what we got up too....

The Year 8 students performed their Greek Theatre devised pieces (based on a Greek Myth or Legend) for assessment last week and some groups "wowed" us. Fantastic work everybody! Creative, entertaining and a job well done.

Much thanks to 8ADU and look forward to seeing you in the Drama module again next year for Year 9 :)

Ms Fridd.

Wednesday, 11 May 2011

Year 10 Ritual Performances from Term #1

Here is a look at some of the student ritual performances from Term #1 with 10JI. There were some awesome performances and students went to great lengths to create effective ritual costumes, props, and setting elements. The performances were creative and entertaining and a good time was had by all.


Welcome to this John McGlashan College Junior Drama blog. This is your online first-point-of-call for all things junior drama at JMC. Any details on rehearsals, auditions, class content, assignments & performance assessments etc will be listed on here. Check out the rest of the blog - there is also a video bar with links to an amazing Shakespeare Festival held in Nth America, polls, and photos from past class performance assessments.
Look forward to seeing you on here! Go forth & be creative in the Arts at JMC.